
I don't need make money with this website as I just like the stock. However with traffic going 🚀 I need to find a way to cover running costs. I'm fine for now but if this explodes like the stock itself it could be harder to keep it going.

When you got your tendies and like the stock-o-tracker, you can make a PayPal donation. All donations exceeding the running costs will go to a charity. (proof will be posted)


Stonk-O-Tracker is a website tracking public data and publish this. There is no connection with any business in the Stock industry. I just like the stock.

Call Contracts

The call contracts are pulled from Yahoo Finance. The amount is the sum of the contracts In The Money (ITM). The column used is the Open Interest (OI). ITM is calculated based on the latest stock price known in the Stonk-O-Tracker.

Available shares to borrow

The available shares to borrow is an amount provided by Interactive Brokers. It only displays the amount of shares that can be borrowed from them. It's not the total amount of available shares to borrow but gives a good indication what's happening.

ETF data

It's known shorters also use an ETF to short the stock. A separate borrow availability is shown on the stock page with the sum of the availability of the main ETFs having the stock. All ETF are used from For the latest data per ETF use the following table.


The allocation represents the amount of GME inside the ETF. Available is calculated from total ETF shares available * allocation.

Last change: Fri, 19 Jan 24 13:04:01 -0500

ETF Allocation Fee Availability
BUZZ 0% 0.5% 1,512
GAMR 0% 9.4% 153


Explanation about the SSR rule is described here.


We are pulling the calculated data from This uses the scraped ComputerShare data from Reddit.

Data sources

Stonk-o-tracker only presents data that is publicly viewable on the internet.